Three Day Juice Fast
Disclaimer: Please consult your health care professional before participating in a juice cleanse, especially if there are existing medical conditions or concerns. By viewing the content on this site and participating in the posted challenges you are agreeing to the posted Terms and Conditions. http://www.cleanandleanrevolution.com/terms-conditions/
Why Juice?
Juicing is the most natural and organic method of detoxifying and healing the body. The vast majority of phytonutrients and bioactive compounds along with 95% of the vitamins and enzymes our bodies need are found in the juice of raw fruits and vegetables. Juicing is a great way to expose our bodies to a concentrated amount of these nutrients. When you juice, these highly concentrated vitamins, minerals and enzymes rapidly enter the bloodstream. Our body absorbs all of the nutritional benefits of the fruits and vegetables. If you choose to do the juice fast challenge option you will also be giving your digestive organs a much-needed rest. The fruits and vegetables that you juice MUST be organic.
Why Organic?
The main reason is this – when you eat non-organic fruits and vegetables you are ingesting toxins and pesticides (no matter how much you wash the item). Organic farming use methods that minimize the use of toxins while building soil quality and protecting water quality. Organic practices maintain the integrity of the plant and our planet. Lastly, organic foods have more intense and delicious flavors.
As much as you would like to jump right in and start on the juice fast, it is always a good idea to prepare your body for the experience. In the week(s) prior to your juice fast, the goal is to reduce the toxic burden on your body, hydrate your body and improve your nutritional status. This may be a tall order to accomplish in a week. If you need more time, take it.
- Hydrate! Water, lemon water, fresh juices, and herbal teas are recommended for the length of the prep week(s) and during the juice fast challenge. Drink 8-10 glasses a day.
- Vegetables: Include at least four servings of lightly steamed vegetables each day. One serving is equal to ½ cup cooked.
- You can further challenge yourself by trying to include one green, yellow, orange, and red vegetable daily.
- Fruit: Include at least three servings of fresh fruit daily. One serving is equal to ½ cup berries or one small apple.
- You can further challenge yourself by removing bananas all together and focusing on different berries.
- Processed foods: remove foods with any one of the following: ‘high fructose corn syrup’, ‘hydrogenated’, or that contains artificial sweeteners such as Acesulfame Potassium, Aspartame Saccharin, Sucralose (Splenda).
- Alcohol and cigarettes
- Sugar (candy, juice and soda) – fresh fruit is included and recommended!
- Transition away from caffeine. If you drink coffee daily, it is not a good idea to go cold turkey. You can greatly reduce the side effects of caffeine withdrawal by gradually reducing your intake of coffee, soda and black tea. First, assess how many servings you have each day. Replace 25-50% of caffeinated drinks with water or herbal tea the first week and continue to reduce your intake week by week until you are caffeine free at the start of the program. If you must, you can include green tea. Though this does contain a minimal amount of caffeine, its detox benefits far outweigh the negative from the caffeine. The catechins and bioflavonoids in green tea help boost the production of groups of detoxification enzymes capable of converting carcinogens into harmless chemicals in the human body.
- Remove red meat
For a gentler transition into the juice fast –shift your focus to eating raw roughage, like fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, avocado and pair these with lean proteins, like cooked lentils, beans, fish, chicken and eggs for 24-48 hours. It is a good idea to eat gluten and dairy free these two days. If at all possible, eat vegetarian/ vegan these two days.
*If your digestion is hampered – you do not have a well formed daily bowel movement, prone to IBS symptoms or you see in tact pieces of food in your stool, it is a better idea to continue to lightly steam your vegetables and focus on homemade soup, stew and well-cooked stir fry. If you have a Vitamix, you are welcome to include raw vegetables in a Vitamix smoothie. The Vitamix emulsifies the raw vegetable and breaks it down well beyond our ability to cook and chew the vegetable.
- You have cleared participating in a juice fast with your health care provider
- Prepared for the juice fast for at least a week by removing processed foods, alcohol, cigarettes, red meat and began to transition off of coffee
- Prepared for the juice fast for at least a week by including adequate hydration daily (included filtered water, herbal tea and broth)
- Prepared for the juice fast for at least a week by including at least 4 servings of vegetables and at least 3 servings of fruit a day
- For 24-48 hours prior to my juice fast you ate raw fruits, vegetables, nut, seeds, avocado and paired this with cooked beans, lentils and lean proteins like chicken, fish and eggs.
- You are having a bowel movement daily (if you are not having a daily bowel movement, detoxing is not a good idea – please consult your health care provider)
When you have completed each of these steps, you are ready to start the 3 Day Juice Fast!
You will find 9 simple juice fast recipes below. Each recipe offers one serving and totals between 100-200 calories. If you need to drink more than three juices a day (and I am assuming many of you will), try to repeat the same juice in the same time frame. Meaning that, if you start the first day with the Green and Lean Juice and find that you are still hungry midmorning, have another Green and Lean Juice (see example below). The attached shopping list reflects the 9 recipes included in this plan: 3 juices per day for 3 days. If you would like to double up on a couple of the recipes to accommodate 5 juices per day instead of 3, simply adjust the shopping list as needed.
*Use a juicer and not a Vitamix – the goal is to have only juice, with no pulp.
Here are two examples – one with three juices per day and the other including five juices per day.
*Both of these examples are correct. Simply gauge your hunger before including an additional juice beyond the three juices.
When you wake: herbal tea and a glass of filtered water
Breakfast: Green and Lean Juice recipe
Midmorning: herbal tea and filtered water
Lunch: Pink Lady Juice
Midafternoon: herbal tea and filtered water
Dinner: Evening Greens Juice
After Dinner: herbal tea and filtered water
When you wake: herbal tea and a glass of filtered water
Breakfast: Green and Lean Juice recipe
Midmorning: Green and Lean Juice recipe
Lunch: Pink Lady Juice
Midafternoon: Pink Lady Juice
Dinner: Evening Greens Juice
After Dinner: herbal tea and filtered water
RECIPES Each recipe makes one serving
*dilute each recipe with 50 % filtered water.
Download the SHOPPING LIST and MENU!
GREEN AND LEAN JUICE 1 green apple 3 handfuls of spinach or kale Half lemon (remove peel) 2 stalks of celery with leaves 1/2 inch ginger root (with peel) | PINK LADY JUICE 1 green apple 1/2 large English cucumber 1/2 medium red or golden beet 1/2 inch ginger root (with peel) | EVENING GREENS JUICE 2 handfuls of spinach or kale 1/2 large English cucumber 3 stalks of celery with leaves 2 medium carrots 1/2 green apple |
PINEAPPLE MORNING JUICE One-quarter pineapple 1/2 large English cucumber Half lemon (remove peel) 6-8 sprigs of mint | ORANGE LADY JUICE 4 medium carrots 1 cup peeled butternut squash 1/2 large English cucumber 1/2 inch ginger root (with peel) sprinkle of cinnamon | GLORIOUS GREENS JUICE 1 cup broccoli florets 3 large Romaine lettuce leaves Handful of cilantro (may replace with basil or watercress) Half lime (remove peel) 1 packed cup fresh spinach leaves 1 green apple |
DAY THREE – BREAKFAST | LUNCH | DINNER | COOL CUCUMBER JUICE 1 whole English cucumber 1 green apple 1/2 lemon (remove peel) handful of cilantro (may replace with basil or watercress) | REALLY GREEN JUICE 1 green apple 1/2 large English cucumber Handful parsley 2 handfuls kale or spinach 1/2 lemon (remove peel) | EVENING DETOX JUICE 1 packed cup of Swiss chard (or spinach) 2 stalks of kale leaves, including stalks Handful of parsley 1/2 large English cucumber 2 celery stalks 1/2 garlic clove 1/2 inch of ginger root (with peel) |
The transition away from your juice fast is just as important as the transition leading up to the juice fast.
For the first 48 hours you will work to bring your digestion back on line:
- Do your best to greatly limit or refrain from eating animal proteins, gluten and dairy.
- The best approach is to make a smoothie for breakfast and have soup for lunch and dinner. For your smoothie, blend avocado, spinach (raw if blended is fine), 1 scoop rice protein and ½ cup blueberries (seedless berries are better) with water. Focus on bean and lentil and vegetable soups or a blended soup like carrot coconut soup.
- You may include raw fruit and cooked vegetables. Refrain from eating raw vegetables.
- Continue to stay hydrated with filtered water, broth and juice (you are welcome to continue to juice daily)
For the second 48 hours, start to include:
- Steamed vegetables, fish and eggs. Slowly reintroduce higher fat foods like nut butters, larger amounts of avocado and oils.
Beyond this, feel free to transition back into a normal whole foods eating plan. You may now include raw vegetables again.

Seven Day Juicing Challenge
Why Juice?
Juicing is the most natural and organic method of detoxifying and healing the body. The vast majority of phytonutrients and bioactive compounds along with 95% of the vitamins and enzymes our bodies need are found in the juice of raw fruits and vegetables. Juicing is a great way to expose our bodies to a concentrated amount of these nutrients. When you juice, these highly concentrated vitamins, minerals and enzymes rapidly enter the bloodstream. Our body absorbs all of the nutritional benefits of the fruits and vegetables. If you choose to do the juice fast challenge option you will also be giving your digestive organs a much-needed rest. The fruits and vegetables that you juice MUST be organic.
Why Organic?
The main reason is this – when you eat non-organic fruits and vegetables you are ingesting toxins and pesticides (no matter how much you wash the item). Organic farming use methods that minimize the use of toxins while building soil quality and protecting water quality. Organic practices maintain the integrity of the plant and our planet. Lastly, organic foods have more intense and delicious flavors.
Why Glass
While many people love their plastic bottles, the plastic in these bottles leaches into the foods and fluids you store in them. Then it leaches into us when we consume these stores foods and fluids. If you have ever taken a swig from a water bottle that has sat in the sun, you know what I am talking about. If you are going to travel with your juice – perhaps taking it to work – please store and travel with your juice in a glass bottle.
- If you have a juicer, great! If not, see if you can borrow a juicer from a friend.
- Include a juice that is 50:50 vegetable to fruit with a meal or snack OR you may replace a meal or snack with one of these juices. The latter, drinking the juice as a meal replacement, will offer you greater benefits. You will absorb more nutrients and give your digestion a rest.
- Take a look at the recommended menu and shopping list. Identify which recipes you will use and if you need to replace any (any of the recipes may be substituted for the other). Adjust your shopping list (if needed) and shop for these items the day before your juice fast.
- Use a juicer and not a Vitamix – the goal is to have only juice, with no pulp.
*JUICE MUST BE FRESH AND A COMBO – PREFERABLY 50:50 FRUIT AND VEGETABLE (store bought juice will not work)
Download the SHOPPING LIST and MENU!
DAY 1: ABCs Juice
DAY 2: Apple-Beet-Carrot Juice
DAY 3: Purple Power Juice
DAY 4: Apple-Cantaloupe-Honeydew Juice
DAY 5: Great Green Fruity Mix
DAY 6: Beet-Celeriac-Carrot Juice
DAY 7: Sunset Blend Juice