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Core Nutrition Class: History of Food Part III

How did we go from fit to fat in less than 40 years?

To coin a term that has already been used, but I feel is a perfect subtitle for this talk, “What If It Has All Been a Big Fat Lie?” Based on the past three decades of media and government recommendations, choosing the right fats and how much fat to eat can be simply confusing.

So, how did we get here? How did it come to be that a nation of healthy individuals changed so drastically in less than 40 years? To figure this out, I’ll need to start near the middle of the 20th century.

Lecture written by Angela Pifer, creator of the Clean & Lean Revolution. Angela has a master in science degree in nutrition from Bastyr University, is a Certified Nutritionist and past Bastyr University faculty.

Presentation by Trina Kaufman. Trina has a master in science degree in nutrition from Bastyr University, is a Certified Nutritionist and past Bastyr University faculty.

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